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『Space ☆ Dandy』 Episode 2

Impressions of everyone

Important to note that they are using Woolongs as currency. Same as Bebop.

₩1000 says we see Faye working in the background at a breastaurant.
This guy! This guy has a perfect vision in mind.
Do you think that its just a throwback or that there doing some connected universe stuff.
It is probably what /u/retrobrigade said. Just a subtle nod to Bebop. Even though Dandy may be in the same universe as Bebop, Dandy is thousands of years beyond Bebop's time. We can assume this based on what the old ramen shop guy said.
Somebody also made a chart connecting it to the Gundam universe(s). and there was a Gundam-esque mecha in the Japanese opening.
Maybe Space Dandy takes place in the nexus point of all anime universes. Wouldn't surprise me.
Yeah, I know. But its fun to WMG.
I think that'll just be a subtle reference for the fans more so than a plot point or something.
Galaxy Street View. LOL! Gogol Empire got proprietary products
No wonder they're able to monitor Dandy's location! Gogol has no respect for privacy.
RIP Meow's ramen
 Fixed again.
Next episode: the fanservice episode!
He said it like there hadn't already been fanservice.
Well, it couldn't hurt to have more.
And the episode after that: the fanservice episode!
And the one after that: the fanservice episode!
And the one after that...
1) I wish there was an explanation of how they survived the incident last episode
2) Goddamn this series' music is great
Shinchiro Watanabe loves his episodic adventures. Samurai Champloo also had its own fair share of random, unexplained goofy nonsense.
Yup, same with Bebop as well.
That meteor episode...
I'm not sure we'll ever get an explanation.
Dandy dandied his way out of it.
That's the Space Dandy way.
I don't want an explanation. I want everyone dieing in episode 1 and then not being dead to just be canon. Just live with the flow, baby.
Yeah the lack of explanation kind of disappointed me as well. Maybe we can a hint as to how in a future episode.
We did get a hint in the first episode: The whole cosmic string stuff could've made alternate Space Dandys or something. While it's just speculation at this point, it may not have been there for nothing.
At the end of the first episode during the credits it showed them in a similar situation as the second episode. It looked like they survived by going through a wormhole. Just pure luck.
The credits for the first episode was just stuff cut from this episode

1) I wish there was an explanation of how they survived the incident last episode
The ending song on the japanese version gives you the most likely explanation.
I think it's terribly weak for them to ignore it like that. Space Dandy is an enjoyable easy to watch show, but there isn't anything that makes me want to keep coming back to watch it, so I probably won't continue unless I hear amazing things from it.
Scarlet is best girl.
Ramen feels.
I concur, Scarlet is best girl.
No, Meow's pillow is best girl.
Its refreshing to see a best girl who's a real Faye Valentine-type woman. You just don't see character designs like that much anymore.
It's that Grade-A butt, isn't it?
Seriously, it's the same voice actress, Colleen Clinkenbeerd!
Not to mention her name is Scarlet.
Riza is best girl.
Woolongs are the currency? Same universe theory confirmed.
The universe just got a lot sillier and more colorful over the past few years
Apparently Domino Walker's mushroom business really hit big.
Mushroom Samba is perhaps my favorite episode. Don't know why some people say it's weird
Wait, was that Haruhi Suzumiya on that pillow?
Yeah I just looked back and checked. It was going so fast I was seeing things.
as a huge Haruhi fan, I was hoping it was
Yeah, I was kinda hoping I was right too.
Apparently it's just some random catgirl.
It went by so fast it looked like Haruhi to me.
Scarlett's fight scene reminded me a bit of Cowboy Bebop's choreography. Also, Space Cat is best cat.
Her motions were a lot like Spike's
Yep. I hope we see some more action, it looked great.
"Checking in at Fullmetal Noodlist and Men in Black" THESE REFERENCES!

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