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Home » , » 『Mikakunin de Shinkoukei』 Episode 2

『Mikakunin de Shinkoukei』 Episode 2

Impressions of everyone

Why is this ED so great

The same reason this show is so great: I have no idea.

Aliens, must be aliens

you mean sister in-law
Geez...what am I thinking. Correction noted.  

Y'know, I keep waiting for Mashiro's voice to start grating on my ears, but the time just never comes~! Also, Kyouya needs some more Io (Acchi Kocchi) in him. I can see the whole "110% stoic" thing getting stale pretty fast otherwise...
That Op bounciness...
It's probably the most believable oppai jiggle I've seen in a while.
Can Confirm.
Sounds like Kobeni has some useless meat!
More seriously...
The show is making Kobeni out to be the perfect wife, but I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Kobeni's so far the most normal out of the entire bunch. She's too normal. Too perfect. Something has to go wrong. May or may not be connected to her past.
That's too deep D:
Well, her sister is the too perfect, Kobeni is just normal. I love how Mashiro noted that the big sis is doing way too much to be normal, take that overachievers!
This show is entirely about Mashiro with a romance subplot, I'm totally ok with it.
can't wait for more~
I'm really starting to hate myself because I started watching it. I should have waited till it finishes and watch it in one go. That way I won't have to wait one week before it can continue.  

I wasn't really expecting it, but wow I think this show is about to take an unexpected supernatural turn. For a couple different reasons.... like them living in the middle of the mountains, and her having flashbacks of the shrine-like place with some sort of fox, and how the little sister is accepted into the school like nothing is abnormal, and when she said that she wouldn't grow in because... "from her family her prospects don't seem very likely....".
Pretty freaking sure its going to take a supernatural turn. I'd bet about tree fiddy that the little sister is some sort of immortal, or something that will be around for way longer than a human lifespan, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're both some sort of fox spirits or family of shamans or something weird like that.
TLDR They be some fox spirity immortal folks, probly.
Don't forget the anime title, "Engaging to the unidentified", maybe a reference to the unidentified in UFO or UMA acronym.

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